Dynamic Movement. On Air. Pan Tilt Heads PT-LP-S5 Ultra smooth on air movementFull size camera systems (including teleprompter and confidence monitor)Floor or CeilingCustom Tracks (straight, C, S or L-shaped, etc) Download Datasheet PT-HP-S5 Ultra smooth on air movementCompact size for smaller camera systemsFloor or CeilingCustom Tracks (straight, C, S or L-shaped, etc) Download Datasheet PT-WP-S5 On air movement (Wide)Small camerasFloor or Ceiling (H frame as well)Lightweight and easy to install Download Datasheet PT-CP-S5 Ultra smooth on air movementCompact size for smaller camera systemsFloor or CeilingCustom Tracks (straight, C, S or L-shaped, etc) Download Datasheet